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What to do if your emails aren't reaching their destination

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What to do if your emails aren't reaching their destination

Are you on a blacklist?

Often in companies we notice that emails are no longer arriving at their destination. We are not talking only about newsletters, but all emails sent from company accounts.

This usually happens when you send many promotional emails, all the same, in a short time and to addresses that have not "voluntarily" signed up to receive them.

If you don't know how to professionally set up newsletter or direct email marketing, you can always watch the other pills in this series .

Ok you are in a blacklist

Good (or rather bad!): you have understood in the pills how to check if you are in a blacklist and now you know that you are there. Do not despair, awareness is the first step, and getting out of it is possible.

Find out how in this interview with Alessandro Bellosi, IT expert and owner of CD Informatica.

This way you will be able to do email marketing campaigns again, but this time pay more attention ;-)



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