The question always arises in the courses we hold or during the agency activity, from the clients:
Can I know who visited my website?
And the answer is "no". In fact, there is a Linkedin tool that is still little known that allows you to better understand who visits your website.
It doesn't give you your name and surname, but it tells you the companies where your website visitors work, obviously respecting the GDPR.
But let's see how to get to see this data and what other information you can get using Linkedin Website Demographics.
How to start collecting data
The first step is to activate an advertising account on Linkedin (it is not necessary to spend on Linkedin Ads campaigns to start collecting data) and go to the "account assets -> insight tag" section.
Here is the wizard to install it (very simple for most popular technologies):
Once the system is installed (in addition to allowing you to track conversions coming from Linkedin) it begins to identify traffic coming from Linkedin, giving you a green dot when it receives a valid signal :
After 300 users visit your website (the minimum number of tracked users that Linkedin requires to be able to create privacy-respecting audiences and also to activate Website Demographics).
Well, depending on the volume of your traffic, after a few days (or even a month) you will find a lot of useful information by clicking on "Website Demographics":
What information can you get?
The first piece of information everyone wants to read is "who" visited my website. To find out, just click on the "View" drop-down menu and choose between:
job function
business sector
company size
location (the city)
country/geographic area (the nation)
And here's the infamous screen that shows you the companies where Linkedin members who visited your website work (you can find it by selecting "company" in the menu above:
As you will see, visits from people who work in your company are also tracked, I don't think there is a way to filter them (as happens for example in Google Analytics), but it doesn't matter.
By mixing this information, in addition to understanding where your prospects can work, you also have feedback on the type of audience you attract, and verify that it is correct.
If you liked this short insight, share it 🤓, if you have doubts about how to start collecting this data you can ask them below or in our closed Facebook group .