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Project communication: Luberg case history with Graduating and Then

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Communication Agency in Bergamo: Graduate Project and Then Luberg

In a communications agency, each project brings with it ever-new emotions and expectations: translating an objective into a mix of images, texts, videos and distributing the contents through the correct communication channels is a recipe that each time requires different ingredients and precautions .

In the case of the Luberg project (Associazione Laureati Bergamo) the dominant emotion was empathy , in order to be able to convey to the young people who are graduating or who have recently graduated an educational message regarding the correct actions to take to find work after graduation.

As graduates of the University of Bergamo, we have gladly made our time available for the development of this activity, with the aim of giving the greatest possible visibility to the project .

This gave birth to the Luberg project " Graduate and Then ": 3 Sharing Days in which graduates and recent graduates of the University of Bergamo will have the opportunity to meet senior graduates who work in important companies, to understand how to move forward after graduation thanks to the direct sharing of experiences.

Branding and events: when a name conveys everything

Logo Graduate and Then

The first obstacle to overcome was the analysis of how to convey the identity of a temporary project, without it being "overshadowed" by the main Luberg brand .

During a strategic brainstorming the redundant sentence was "Sure, the students' goal is to graduate... but after that?": and that's how the sub-brand "Graduate and Then" was born!

The playful iconography harks back to the university world, while the brand colours and the Luberg brand endorsement recontextualise the operation within the Luberg sphere of action.

Empathy and Strategy: A Winning Rhyme

The marketing team, once the branding strategy was defined, then addressed a typical marketing theme for SMEs: maximizing the operation coverage with the most suitable tools . For this purpose, the choice was made to create a short video presentation of the project, then screened in the university classroom, inserted in a mini-site, and disseminated through social media.

As often happens in companies, it was necessary to get in tune with the audience to whom the message is intended: to understand (and make others understand) how one feels after graduation, we therefore decided to interview some Made in BG graduates, asking them some questions on the topic. The result is the following video (Credits: Studio Meme):

Content dissemination and promotion

The last step tackled with enthusiasm was the online dissemination of the contents: to maximize the visibility of the Laurearsi e Poi - Luberg project, we have therefore created a dedicated mini-site, as a landing base for the online campaigns and as an information base on the project.

Graduate and Then Flyer

For this purpose, a multi-platform web marketing campaign was set up, using e-mail marketing , Facebook Advertising and Google Adwords for targeted adverts on Unibg students, without wasting resources.

As for offline communication, a flyer was used and distributed at the university after the video screening.


The first evening took place last June 8th, and thanks to our work and that of the entire Luberg association, it saw the participation of many students.

The greatest satisfaction? The kids had real support in understanding how to answer the question "Graduate... And then?"?

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