Lupolo Clusone: strategic repositioning of the restaurant
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September 2017
Every marketing manager knows it, the product has its own life cycle that includes development, maturity and then a progressive decline. Fortunately, there are marketing strategies that extend the period of maturity of the product , or cause a real revitalization by restarting the cycle.
This is the case of the Sbafo pizza chain, which has opted for a strategic repositioning of its historic restaurant in Clusone, the first to open, to give new life to the area.
repositioning means starting from the customer
As always, proper marketing involves weighing development options in the eyes of the customer.
For this reason, our marketing agency, after having supported the definition of the possible evolutions and the naming of the new restaurant, organized two focus dinner groups to get feedback from both the historical customers of the restaurant and the potential ones.
Obviously we cannot tell in detail the results that emerged and the indications received, but it is enough to know that the company has received precise indications regarding:
Choosing the logo and name of the new restaurant
appreciation of the new decor/concept of the venue
focusing on the most targeted customers
appreciation of the evolution of the menu and focus on the most requested dishes to stand out
The research project has allowed the restaurant to evolve by creating interesting new elements for the area in which it operates, and involving the historical clientele so as not to exclude them from the new concept.
The market research work carried out has allowed us to direct marketing strategies starting from real customer feedback, and not by "deciding at the table" the evolution strategy.
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- social media marketing for restaurants
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